Monday 26 August 2013

An Educated Rant (I'd like to think)

Why I hate Samurai

Hear me out :)

I made a little disclaimer in my previous post but I think here can be a decent explanation as to why I think this is the worst season of Power Rangers (yes, worse than Operation Overdrive)

So, here's my list :)

1. Cultural differences

It's about demons in Japan and family generations of Samurai. It works perfectly in Shinkenger as the characters are all Japanese. The generation plot-line doesn't work with American characters, for obvious reasons. This is also a minor thing but Erica Fong, who played the Pink Ranger, is actually from Chinese and Korean descent which seems a little silly to me but I guess I'm being nit-picky.

You can argue that it's the same in Ninja Storm, but that has three learning the craft of the Ninja. This lot are meant to be "descendants of great Samurai"...good luck trying to carry that one...

2. The Acting

One word describes it. Lacklustre. I think this is definitely the point where producers were hiring models rather than actors to play the characters because it's certainly "style over content". I stand by the fact Time Force had the best acting (not Oscar worthy but you don't expect that from Childrens TV)

And their facial expressions are on par with Kristen Stewart...I am not joking...

3. The Cliché Morph

"Go! Go! SAMURAI!"


Also, half of the time they're waving their arms randomly, not in the pattern of their character symbols. Also, no drums and screens with the Kuroko!!

"Rangers together, Samurai forever"

*holds gun to head*

4. Genta-chan, I'm so sorry :(

"Gold Power!"

*face palm* And the most creative morph award goes to...

But seriously, there's no specific movement like all the other series did (my favourite morphs being Zeo and In Space). He just presses buttons and that's it! Also, fish seller...? Really...? Genta-chan sold Sushi, prepared food cultural to Japan, carried on an actual cart. This douchebag carries fish in a bloody chiller box!! In Genta-chan's first appearance, he didn't throw his stock!! 

Need I say more...?

5. The uniforms...

They're dressed like bloody ninjas, not the traditional Samurai uniform like in the morphing sequence for Shinkenger. It's like wearing swim gear to a football match. It doesn't work.

If you need anymore reasons from me then I shall gladly give you more but right now, it's 1.38am here in the UK so I'm gonna call it a night.

>> Let's Rocket!! <<


  1. LOVE this, and agree (I actually quite enjoy OO), this had some good moments, but they were fleeting and too far spread out.

    1. As in this series, not this blog entry O.o

    2. I knew what you were on about :) no worries :)

  2. The fact that you even still like Power Rangers is embarrassing enough. It's a fucking kids show, and aren't you meant to be an adult? Grow the fuck up.

    1. Last time I checked, there's no fixed age for liking Power Rangers. Sure, it's marketed for children, but whose to say adults, who watched earlier seasons as a child, don't still enjoy it today? It's nostalgic and entertaining for me to watch :)

      And I have grown up :) Come back when you do the same
